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Interactive 3D Packaging Design Visualization

PrintMagixVisualize virtual packaging designs before these go to print and are manufactured. An interactive way to show and view product designs in a virtual 3D environment.
No software downloads, plugins or 'Flash' required.

Using Web 2.0 HTML5 and CSS3 technology makes it a breeze to integrate into any exisiting website or webshop irrespective of the technology used. A great way to offer interactive 3D print proofing online.

Printing on wood

3D print on wood

Interactive web-to-print 3D viewer of a print on wood product.

Printing on glass

3D print on glass

Interactive web-to-print 3D viewer of a print on glass product.

Printing on aluminum

3D print on aluminum

Interactive web-to-print 3D viewer of a print on aluminum product.

Give it a spin.

Use your mouse, mouse pad, trackball or fat finger via a touch sensitive screen and view the 3D object from any angle.

Printmagix provides online printing, publishing and packaging solutions

A set of effective simple and affordable online graphics services for the publishing, packaging and printing industry to create and view unique packaging designs in 3D.

The working example above is the result of allowing users to upload a 2D packaging design, indicate height, width and depth measurements of the packaging design.

The Printmagix 3D viewer creates a virtual 3D world and allowing the packaging to be interactively viewed from any angle using a mouse, mousepad, trackball or touch sensitive screen.

Create interactive 3D versions of packaging designs for online viewing and proofing. Graphics solutions for the printing, publishing and packaging industires.

Convert 2D PDF documents to online interactive 3D packaging models

Allow customers to upload 2D packaging designs in PDF format and convert them instantly into interactive 3D models for viewing in any modern browser on any computer platform.

2D PDF packaging design


Use the inline interactive editor to create packaging designs online or upload ready made 2D PDF files for conversion to the 3D interactive viewer.

3D packaging design view

Interactive 3D Viewer

Instantly convert any 2D packaging design into and interactive 3D visual model.

This process integrates seamlessly into HTML5+ environments and is also available as SAAS. For more information on creating engaging interactive products online, please contact me.