"Founder and Chief Technical Officer"
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Corporate data driven DM and B2C communication platform

InternationalPMT (Publication Management Toolkit) was initiated in 2002 for a large French banking establishement. Providing automatable direct marketing and legal publications for distributed financial and insurance institutions.

Dynamic Communication Publishing Engine

Dynamic Publishing Engine Components

Fundamental Components

ComponentsGraphics engines form the core component of the publishing system. A combination of native EPS, PDF, XML and HTML engines as well as API links to remote Quark Xpress and Adobe Indesign, Illustrator and Photoshop in combination with a variable resolution CMS form the core of PMT.

Platform Infrastructure

InfrastructureBased on server failover load balancing and production request volume queuing the support infrastructure uses Microsoft server and Microsoft SQL server technology in a (European) distrubuted replicated environment consisting of two remote hosted primary hubs.

Front-end Processing

UsersAll front-end Internet facing activity including load balancing via dynamic security and firewall processing. User management and authority managed by corporate domain configuration rules exposing functionalities depending on the roles and rights of each user of each group.

Multi-Media Components

ComponentsMutli-media communication makes it possible to reach the same people using multiple media channels in a consistant manner ensuring the meassage gets across.

People respond differently to (digital) information depending on the surrounding, time of day, device used and susceptibility to incoming information. This can vary widely depending on peoples choice of prefered information channel.

  • Traditional paper mail/magazines/newspapers
  • Computer screens
  • Tablet computing
  • Smartphone and mobile devices
  • E-mail

Multi-Channel Communication

Multi-Channel Communication Publishing

From conceptual design

Concept Communication Publishing Process

Design considerationsBased on SLA requirments, customer front-end expectations, production and manufacturing processes and workflows and not forgetting integration into ERP and administrative processes, the required infrastructure, workflows and processes are identified and designed.

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To structured operations

Structured Communication Publishing Process

Design resultsDiverse dynamic functional components communicating on a two level monitoring and workflow bus. Modular functionalities allows dynamic configuration for the variety of input and output channels.